pmx provides a few command line scripts that can be used to setup and analyse
free energy calculations. After installing the library, pmx
should be in your $PATH
. You can check this with the following command.
$ which pmx
The pmx
help will show the scripts available.
$ pmx -h
usage: pmx [-h]
pmx command line scripts
Available commands are:
mutate Mutate protein or DNA/RNA
gentop Fill hybrid topology with B states
analyse Estimate free energy from Gromacs xvg files
doublebox Place two input structures into a single box
abfe Setup files for an ABFE calculation
genlib Generate pmx ff library
gmxlib Show/set GMXLIB path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
A description of these scripts can be found here:
In the Examples you can find instead how the same tasks can be carried out using the API.