
The pmx mutate script can be used to create a hybrid structure file, which can be used for alchemical free energy calculations as shown in the tutorials.

$ pmx mutate -h
usage: pmx [-h] [-f infile] [-fB infileB] [-o outfile] [-ff ff]
           [--script script] [--keep_resid] [--resinfo]

This script applies mutations of residues in a structure file for subsequent
free energy calculations. It supports mutations to protein, DNA, and RNA

The mutation information and dummy placements are taken from the hybrid residue
database "mutres.mtp". The best way to use this script is to take a pdb/gro file
that has been written with pdb2gmx with all hydrogen atoms present.

By default, all residues are renumbered starting from 1, so to have unique
residue IDs. If you want to keep the original residue IDs, you can use the flag
--keep_resid. In this case, you will also need to provide chain information
in order to be able to mutate the desired residue.

The program can either be executed interactively or via script. The script file
simply has to consist of "residue_id target_residue_name" pairs (just with some
space between the id and the name), or "chain_id residue_id target_residue_name"
if you are keeping the original residue IDs.

The script uses an extended one-letter code for amino acids to account for
different protonation states. Use the --resinfo flag to print the dictionary.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -f infile        Input structure file in PDB or GRO format. Default is "protein.pdb"
  -fB infileB      Input structure file of the B state in PDB or GRO format (optional).
  -o outfile       Output structure file in PDB or GRO format. Default is "mutant.pdb"
  -ff ff           Force field to use. If none is provided,
                   a list of available ff will be shown.
  --script script  Text file with list of mutations (optional).
  --keep_resid     Whether to renumber all residues or to keep the
                   original residue IDs. By default, all residues are
                   renumbered so to have unique IDs. With this flags set,
                   the original IDs are kept. Because the IDs might not
                   be unique anymore, you will also be asked to choose
                   the chain ID where the residue you want to mutate is.
  --resinfo        Show the list of 3-letter -> 1-letter residues

An example of the script file that can be provided to pmx mutate is the following:

18 ARG

If the --keep_resid flag is used, then also chain information needs to be provided, as in this example: