kperm package

Submodules module

Channel class and core workflow of KPERM

The module contains the class Channel and core functions for analysizing ion permeation events in MD simulations using the KPERM framework.

class, trajs=None)

Bases: object



Compute statistics of trajectories regarding ion permeation


stats: Pandas dataframe

store statistics of trajectories, such as total time, lag time, current and occupation state populations.

states: Pandas dataframe

point estimate and bootstrap confidence interval for occupation states.

find_cycle(cycle_state, n_jump_per_cycle=5)
load(results_loc=None, filename='kperm')
mfpt(paths=None, n_jump_per_cycle=5, backward=False, batch=10000, n_resamples=10000)
plot_cycle(state_threshold=0.01, label_threshold=0.15, offset=0.7, scale=0.4, figsize=(6, 6))
plot_netflux(weight_threshold=0.1, save=None, data=False, returnGraphData=False)
run(perm_count='cross', output='kperm', perm_details=False, sf_diag=False, bs_radius=4.0, check_flip=True, check_water=True)
set_trajs(trajs), quiet=False, o_cutoff=5, og1_cutoff=7.0, all_res=False)

read coordinate file and return zero-indexed atom indices defining SF



The path to the coordinate file containing the ion channel.

quietbool, optional

A flag used to print detailed information about SF (default is False).

o_cutoff: float

Distance cutoff for determining if backbone oxygen atoms are close enough to meet the geometric requirement for being a part of SF. Unit: Angstrom

og1_cutoff: float

Same as o_cutoff, but it is for OG1 atom (like threonine’s OG1). Unit: Angstrom

all_res: boolean

If false, only amino acids GLY VAL TYR THR PHE ILE are considered when determining SF.


sf_layer: dict

consisting of two dictionaries containing atom idx (zero-based) and residue id of SF’s oxygen (backbone and hydroxyl) and CA atoms, respectively., traj, output='kperm', perm_count='cross', perm_details=False, sf_idx=None, sf_all_res=False, sf_diag=False, check_flip=False, check_water=True, bs_radius=4.0)

kperm.permeation module

methods for computing permeation cycles

The module contains the methods used by class Channel for computing permeation cycles.

kperm.examples module


kperm.utils module

helpers methods

Module contents